Platform Living Wage Financials


Platform Living Wage Financials members recognize the systemic issue of underpayment in supply chains. By engaging on living wages and incomes, we honor our commitment to the United Nations Guiding Principles and OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises, wherein financials are asked to act with due diligence and to identify and mitigate salient human rights risks.


The idea of establishing a collaborative investor initiative on the ‘S’ of ESG was born at a human rights conference in Geneva in 2016. Responsible investment specialists from ASN Bank, MN and Triodos Investment Management agreed that social topics were often underestimated and overlooked and decided to work together.


The Platform Living Wage Financials is an unprecedented alliance of 24 financial institutions encouraging and monitoring investee companies to enable living wages and incomes in their global supply chains. Representing over €7 trillion of assets under management and advice, we use our influence and leverage to engage with our investee companies.